What We Do

The Foundation strongly believes in the transformative power of education towards giving everyone regardless of sex, age, beliefs and status the opportunity to live a dignified life as well as contribute meaningfully to the socio-economic development of the African continent. Education as conceptualised in this plan aligns with the Greek definition, Edukos, which means “to draw forth from within.”
This, according to the above definition, is very different from the schooling system which seeks rather to conform the learner to the demands of a consumer-driven society. Education should develop innate abilities and empower the individual for impact not just to inform, more so, it goes beyond certification for job-seeking to equipping for job-creation.
Beyond having access to counselling services, functional knowledge and in-demand skills, the Foundation understands the power of having a problem-solving and solution-based mindset in transmuting the aforementioned factors into innovations that drive impact, create wealth and accelerate inclusive development. Hence, the adoption of a holistic approach to education that focuses on the head, hand and mind.
In view of the above, the Foundation has set out to achieve the following priorities over the next three years and beyond:

The Foundation is committed to mobilizing and investing human, financial and material resources to contribute in addressing the lack of access to quality education by millions of poor and vulnerable children that are currently out of school.

The foundation is committed to providing an avenue for youths to learn digital skills and develop ability to build softwares, applications and tools which is a prerequisite for accelerating inclusive socio-economic growth and development.

The inordinate quest by largely the youths and young adults to copy celebrated billionaires without paying the unseen price of hard work, is fast becoming a liability to the continent. In view of this, Providing knowledge and skills without changing the mindset will be counter-productive to the detriment of not only the individual but the continent at large.

Summer Digital Bootcamp
Summer Digital Bootcamp was a two weeks program geared towards empowering teenagers and children with basic digital skills during the summer.

Summer Digital Bootcamp
Summer Digital Bootcamp was a two weeks program geared towards empowering teenagers and children with basic digital skills during the summer
Build Your Brand and Apply for Jobs
Build your brand and apply for jobs was one of the skillup 9ja project, where we trained over 50 individual on how to build their personal brand using digital tools and how to effective apply for jobs.

Build Your Brand and Apply for Jobs
Build your brand and apply for jobs was one of the skillup 9ja project, where we trained over 50 individual on how to build their personal brand using digital tools and how to effective apply for jobs.

Ihifix Digital Summit for Educators
In partnership with ihifix technologies we held the second edition of the digital summit for educators with the theme “The New Normal: Advancing Edtech in an emerging Knowledge-Based Economy ” The focus area were Rethinking Education; Digital Transformation; Knowledge Based Economy .

Ihifix Digital Summit for Educators
In partnership with ihifix technologies we held the second edition of the digital summit for educators with the theme “The New Normal: Advancing Edtech in an emerging Knowledge-Based Economy ” The focus area were Rethinking Education; Digital Transformation; Knowledge Based Economy .